Site hosted by Build your free website today! framework has come far away since the time of its inception. Every year it is updated or modified for robust web development. Out of all, 5 is considered most amazing and significant version available so far. It has clubbed up wonderful features inside that makes it highly desirable for development team.

=> Cloud ready applications : The newer version is ready for the cloud deployment. Cloud based apps are getting immense popular today so there is an emergence need of platform who can give cloud ready apps. Here, 5 version wins the race where software or apps can be optimized for cloud.

=> CLR engine : Cross platform run time CLR is the default engine that allows single software or application to run over multiple platforms. Prior based apps were compatible with Windows only. Now they can be run over Linux, Android, and Macintosh etc. this is a greater achievement for development team.

=> Unified Programming Model : This is most amazing feature included by 5 framework. The objective of this programming model is to leverage web API, MVC and web pages together for robust internet based banking application development.

=> Flexible hosting : 5 based apps can be hosted on different web server now independent of namespaces. It will not only improve the performance of any web applications but response time will also get reduced significantly.

=> Optimized performance : In there is a modular pipeline where development team can line up only those necessary components that are necessary at that particular time. This feature reduces the overhead time; hence performance of a web application can be tuned up.

=> Faster deployment : In 5, there is facility of dynamic compilation that supports faster deployment. Now you just have to change source code and refresh the browser to observe the changes. Compiler will run automatically in the background.

=> Dependencies Management : In latest version of framework, handling dependencies has become easier than it was done in earlier versions. Now services are in your control every time you want it. You can handle them anytime in the pipeline whenever it becomes necessary. 5 has amazing features and the time is not away when development staff would be able to use your own features as per your convenience.